
Showing posts from July, 2017

Working on another story: The Devil's Playmate

I've been working on this one for a little over a week now and it is shaping up nicely. I was hoping to have it done this week but it keeps growing and there's so much more to tell so it may be a little longer. Keep watching this blog and you'll be the first to know when it is finally published. The Devil's Playmate is the story of a writer, suffering from an extreme case of the dreaded writer's block. While trying to get past it, he gets a strange text message one night and winds up agreeing to allow the devil to be his house guest. There are a lot of twists and turns, interactions with others who have made deals with the devil and a few insights into the character of the devil, as well. Oh, and, of course, the devil can't take a holiday without at least one sex scene. I'll try to get this story available as soon as possible and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on it and my other books as well. That's all for now. Larry Ray

Free Sample of The Darkened Rooms Book Two: The Call of the Void

Free Sample of The Darkened Rooms Book One: The Pond

A free sample of My Son Is Now My Daughter: Parenting The Transgender Teen

For those having trouble reading the books...

Several people have mentioned they don't own a Kindle and can't read my books because of it. I'm always surprised that more people don't know you don't have to have a Kindle to read these books. There are several tools available to read all of my books and many more for iOS, Android, Mac and PC. I've compiled a list with links to the tools on this blog. The page is titled No Kindle, No Problem and you can see the link at the top of this page.

Free Book This Weekend

Starting Friday morning (07/21/2017) at 12am Pacific time, I'll be offering my latest addition to The Darkened Rooms series for FREE. Available exclusively on Amazon and the various global sister sites of Amazon, The Darkened Rooms Book Three: Come Play With Us, Daddy will be available from Friday 12am Pacific Time until Monday night at 1159 pm Pacific Time. Don't miss your chance to get this new story for FREE.  As always, if you enjoy the story, please take the time to leave a review or rating on Amazon , Goodreads or here.

Currently Available On Amazon

Larry Ray Palmer, Amazon Author Page My Son Is Now My Daughter: Parenting the Transgender Teen The Darkened Rooms Book One: The Pond The Darkened Rooms Book Two: The Call of the Void The Darkened Rooms Book Three: Come Play With Us, Daddy This post will be updated as new books are added. Please bookmark it so you can return to it later. All of my titles are available for free using Kindle Unlimited or the Kindle Owners Lending Library.